Q & A

Q: How often does the coven meet?

A: We meet on the first and third Saturday of the month, in the evenings, with other events here and there. 

Q: Where does the coven meet?

A: Usually we meet in each other's homes.  Sometimes we will meet up at a park or restaurant.  We also gather for group camp trips and pagan camp outs.  Our homes are located in and around Tacoma WA. 

Q: Are meetings near a bus line/Can I get a ride to meetings?

A: All members are responsible for their own transportation to attend the meetings.  Many of our homes are not near bus lines and our meetings run late in to the evenings. 

Q: Does your coven accept trans woman?

A: Our coven is open to anyone who identifies as a woman and lives as a woman full time.  We support the right of people to choose their identity. 

Q: Is your coven family friendly?

A: Some of our events are open to family.  Our regular meetings do not include children.  You will need to find childcare while you are attending the meetings. 

Q: Is this coven a teaching coven?

A: The short answer is no, this is not a "teaching" coven.  We do not have lesson plans, homework or a degree system.  There is teaching, and there is learning because each member is expected to come ready to share their knowledge with the coven and to learn from each other.

Q: Do you practice skyclad?

A: No, all of our meetings are fully clothed.

Q: What does your coven do?

A: When we gather, we do magic together.  We also celebrate the sabbats, craft things together, discuss our lives and our magic, do divination, dance under the moon, go out to eat, camp together, attend events, and pretty much anything else we want to do as a group.  

Q: Is this a Wiccan coven?

A: No we are not a Wiccan coven although we may have Wiccans practicing with us at any given time. 

Q: What spiritual path does your coven follow?

A: We are an eclectic group of witches who practice intuitive magic as a group.  This means we all believe many things, practice what feels right in our souls and what the need calls for. We do all agree on Our Ways.  We do not subscribe to one branch of witchcraft as a group.  Our members come from many backgrounds.  We think this makes our magic richer and more effective.  Our ways are not set in stone and ebb and flow as they need too